Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee 1st Thematic Question

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West is a novel written by Dee Brown. This book tells just how the western portion of America came to be. For many years before the white men stepped foot on their soil the land had been inhabited by Native Americans. There are many stories taught to young children today about how the Native Americans and the white men coexisted and shared land and food peaceably but these tales are completely falsified.
Native Americans had claimed title of the land long before Christopher Columbus went sailing. It was where they and their ancestors and lived and were to be buried. It was where they raised their families before American settlers began to sail over.
The United States of America has come full circle in its failure in the treatment of Native Americans. They killed them in great masses by overpowering them or by bringing over diseases that their immune systems had no tolerance for. The Native Americans would fight in battles with spears and hand made weapons and the white men would storm in with firearms and entirely demolish them. They were no match for such technology.
During some instances with trading the white men could be known to give the Native Americans plague ridden blankets. Blankets that normally would have been burned, were handed casually to them with murderous intentions. They wanted full possession of the land that they were pursuing and would stop at nothing to achieve it, even if it meant wiping out an entire race.
They treated the entire American Indian race as though it was composed entirely of brutish beasts and savages. It was true that they may have been slightly undomesticated and religiously misguided nothing can excuse the way that they were treated. The white men completely dehumanized them and treated them in an almost animal like fashion.
Even today the art of how to handle another culture has not been properly learned by the United States of America. The government continues even today to handle them poorly. The failed treatment of the Native American culture on the behalf of the United States of America has simply come full circle. Many years ago we starved and beat them out of their land. We killed them in huge masses until their population dwindled down to all that remains today.
Today the United States fails in the way that it handles the Native American culture still. As compensation for all of the negative occurrences in the past there are now reservations where they can live within the United States. The majority of these reservations resemble trailer parks and the people within live off of government money. There is a huge rate of alcoholism within these reservations. The United States is only hurting them by enabling them to casually toss aside daily life. If the government were to handle it properly then perhaps the Native Americans would be served with a choice, they can either be incorporated entirely into daily life as an American or perhaps they could set aside a piece of territory for the Native Americans and their other option can be to go live freely on that land as their ancestors once did.
The United States of America failed in its treatment of Native Americans years ago and still continues to today. By first trying to annihilate an entire race and by now enabling them to become productive the nation has brought only harm upon this foreign culture. The United States succeeded in nothing short of destroying the entire Native American culture as it was once known.

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