Thursday, February 14, 2008

Living in Cyclical Time vs. Linear Time

Native Americans lived in cyclical time whereas the rest of the world and all of its cultures lived in linear time. When most cultures progressed the Native American cultures continued to run in circles and even viewed themselves from a cyclical viewpoint. The resources used to create this paper were Merriam Webster Online Dictionary and Google Images.

The Native Americans lived in a much different time period than we do today. Even the Europeans that lived during their time did not live in quite the same way. Europeans viewed themselves in much the same way that we do today. We view ourselves in linear time. We are forever progressing and moving forward. Even our main religions are based in linear progressive time. The Native Americans viewed themselves in cyclical time. They were in an on-going circle and their life styles, technology and religion were all based around this view.

According to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, cyclical is defined as "of, relating to, or being a cycle; moving in cycles" and time is defined as "the point or period when something occurs". Linear is defined as "of or relating to a straight line". To live in cyclical time would be to view oneself in the midst of an on-going cycle that will just repeat day to day, week to week, and season to season. To live in linear time would be to view oneself as constantly moving forward towards an inevitable end and taking several stops along the way.

Living in linear time like the Europeans did and as is done today religion is progressive. One of the largest world religions is Christianity. In this religion you have a book called the Bible that is referred to by all that partake in this faith. The Bible begins with the book of Genesis and ends with Revelation. This walks its readers from the creation of the universe to its destruction. Along the way you have the story of the first man and woman, the flood story, and various others. The Bible consists of a total of 66 books.

The Native Americans had a religion that consisted of all of the organisms that lived in their environments with them. They had spiritual connections with certain trees and animals and many items of the sort. They had different ties to specific pieces of land. They had many cultural dances and other such traditions that revolved in their lifestyles with them.

As far as technological advances were concerned the Native Americans had a very different point of view than the Europeans. The Europeans could not get enough of the new technology. They loved the new discoveries and possibilities that were opening up to them daily. The Native Americans on the other hand were more of a content religion. They enjoyed relishing in their already preset ways of gathering food, hunting, dancing, and transportation. Both the Europeans and the Native Americans had all that they needed the difference between the two lied in their expectations and what each cultured wanted and thrived for. While the Europeans moved further in the direction of comfort the Indians were content in keeping peace. This in itself shows a clear distinction between living in cyclical time and living in linear time.

Today it can be observed that each parent wants for their child what they have already accomplished and then some. They want their child to strive for the best and fulfil their potential. The Native Americans were content with the idea of their children simply filling their own shoes. If their child could just live up to what they had accomplished than for the most part they would be okay. Due to the fact that they viewed themselves differently through time and space it is no wonder that they would have a different view on a contentment and what it truly stands for.

It could be observed today and in the European colonies that there were three tenses present in the English language. There is the past, present, and the future. In a Native American culture only the present tense existed. They placed no real value on anything that was to happen or had already happened only what was currently taking place. Most modern civilizations cannot wrap their heads around this idea. In order to do so one would first have to place them-self in cyclical time.

The differences between cyclical time and linear time are so profound that it is hard to fully understand both while living in one. Living in cyclical time entirely changes how a person would view not only them-self but those around them as well. If one was to place them-self within cyclical time it would be seemingly easy to see why the Native Americans felt no real need to integrate and continue to push their society forward and thrive. It is also easy to see why the Native Americans became completely obliterated by disease and the Europeans who brought the diseases. This is a concept that is commonly lost in the translation between the two entirely different concepts of time and space. Linear time vs. cyclical time not only changes a few minor things but entirely re-shapes a culture as a whole.

Ashley Nichols

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