Monday, October 1, 2007

Humanism and the Flat World

Almost every era has its own revolution, one that will bring with it a key that unlocks the door to the following era. During the time period of the Renaissance, the revolutionary concept that took place was the acceptance of Humanism. Even today we have revolutionary ideas that are still randomly reflecting off of our globe. One that appears to have made its way through our atmosphere and is here to stay is globalization. Our world appears to be getting flatter by the second, and if we are not careful we may just tumble our way into orbit. Revolutions occur when people begin opening up their minds and toying with the unknown. They almost always help to further the development of the known society.

The flat world is revolutionizing how we view ourselves in society today. No, the world is not really flat this is just in a metaphorical sense. Technology is supposedly making our world a flatter place because today we can contact our pen pal in Japan just as easily as our next door neighbors. In this “flat world” our middle class jobs are being bumped up a level and the competition with our foreign countries is becoming more intense. Due to this competition and these recent technological developments we will have to put twice as much effort in as our parent’s generation did and certainly more then the generation before them. In short, the flattening of the world is revolutionizing what we find socially acceptable.

Humanism revolutionized how people living during the time period of the Renaissance, viewed themselves and the world around them. Humanism began when humanists started popping up amongst the population. Humanists were people that refused to accept the status quo at the time. This brought chaos, division amongst what had been one body of people, and essentially revolution.

During the Renaissance everyone was grouped together as one large body under the Catholic Church. People lived in fear daily of committing a sin such as usury and not being allowed into Heaven. Humanism brought an end to this fear for many people. They started living for today and not what tomorrow might bring. Many people did decide to stay in the church body, but even that began to divide within its self. Humanism is a huge piece of what caused the church to start to split off into different denominations. The entire world changed with this concept. People no longer viewed themselves and each other as simply people on the journey to Heaven, but as individuals living each day to its fullest.

Humanism had an amazingly large impact on society as it was previously known during the Renaissance. In fact, without it we would not have the current society that we have today. The amount of beliefs and many forms of art simply would not exist. Without Humanism, our world would be more circular as opposed to the pancake that it is rapidly becoming. The revolution of the flat world revolves around technological advances where as the revolution that Humanism has influenced revolves around religious and philosophical life meanings. Change cannot occur until someone dares to be different and think outside of the box. We have more than our fair share of right brain thinkers in America today. Does the flat world have as much in store for us and will the outcome be as positive? We can only hope.

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