Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Authors Intent

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West was written by Dee Brown. It is the very true and blunt story of how the American West came to be. It tells the tale of how the United States of America won its western portion by annihilating an entire culture.
Through this book Dee Brown was able to show what life was really like during this time for the average Native American. They were forced to comply with the white mans every wish. They had no choice in the matter because they were by far out numbered and out done in weapons as well.
He wrote this book to accurately depict what life was really like for the Native Americans. Up until this book was published many modern Americans had no idea as to what really occurred and how the west was really won. To say "won" is not even entirely correct, stolen would be a better choice.
It was the first novel to really show Native Americans as a race that was reasonably harmless and defenseless but was almost entirely destroyed regardless. He was able to use firsthand accounts to describe the injustice that was inflicted. Brown detailed why the Native Americans were so attached to the land, how so many died, and why the white men so desperately wanted possession of the land for themselves.
Dee Brown wrote Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee to set the record straight. He corrected all of the common misconceptions that had settled in over time. Very few people remained that could give an accurate account of the happenings and Brown believed that everyone should know what really occurred between the Native Americans and the white men and how the terrain was really gained.

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