Monday, June 30, 2008


I decided to research more about what an at.oow is because I felt as though it would only gain more significance as the book continues. It was really touching that Garvey gave Cole the blanket when it apparently had a great deal of meaning to him and he entrusted it to such a troubled youth. This showed that he has great faith in and hope for Cole.
The idea of an at.oow originated from the Tlingit tribe. An at.oow was a clans most prized possession. It could be any kind of object, story, or song, or even something such as the moon. All of the rights to an object had to be aquired through some sort of ancestor of the tribe.
Cole has a very negative attitude towards everything. It will take quite a bit to turn him around. Fortunately the at.oow that Garvey passed on to him was not destroyed and lost in the fire. I hope that it will continue to gain significance throughout the story.


Ashlee L. said...

I think thats really cool that the at.oow can be any kind of object. Also that the at.oow Garvey gave Cole didn't get burned in the fire and then when he was practically dieing he imagined it covering him and protecting him.

Elizabeth Vigue said...

You did an excellent job of tying your research to your book! If your family had an item that could be considered their at.oow, what would it be?

alex said...

You did do a great job with applying your information to your book!! I like the idea that the at.oow can be any object a person wants it to be, because it could have more signifinace to a person when it is something that they value.